OSHC Handbook

Health and Safety



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Food and Nutrition

The service provides a healthy and varied menu based on Nutrition Australia and Rite Bite resources and is prepared daily. There is a variety of hot and cold meals, which includes soups, curries, toasted sandwiches, and pizzas. Cultural foods are also available, especially during themed weeks. Fresh water and fruit are readily available. The menu is planned and on display in the OSHC room, as well as being sent to parents/caregivers and educators each week. Children with special dietary and cultural needs are also catered for.

During Vacation care, breakfast and afternoon snack is provided for. On special occasions, lunch will also be supplied.

Hats and Footwear

The St. Joseph’s OSHC service follows the Sun Smart App from the Cancer Council, where broad brim hats need to be worn once the UV is 3 and above. All children are expected wear a sun-safe hat during these times.

Due to the variety of activities that our service offers, including during vacation care, all children must always wear enclosed footwear. Backless shoes and thongs are not acceptable as they are inappropriate for outside play and activities associated with the service.

Medical Conditions

Children with special medical needs/conditions are updated regularly and the list is kept in the OSHC office behind the door and in the first aid cupboard. Students with medical plans have their medication including plans in individual containers clearly labelled with their name, medication, and expiry. It is the responsibility of the parents/caregivers to inform the OSHC director or assistant director of any changes to health, allergies, or medical conditions as soon as possible.


Prescribed medications can only be administered upon receipt of a written medication plan. Medication must be provided by a medical practitioner which includes the child’s name, name of medication, dosage, and times for administration in a clearly labelled and original medication container.

Only the OSHC director, assistant director or delegated person in charge can administer the medication, and the times and dosage will be recorded and witnessed by an OSHC educator.

Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Recording

In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered. In the event of a head injury, the parent/caregiver will be phoned and advised of the type of injury, the time it occurred, and the first aid given. In the event of a serious injury or illness, SA ambulance will be called for assistance. If a child has been to a doctor or hospital, or has experienced a high level of trauma, a report will be sent to ACECQA. For all other injuries, an Incident, Injury, Trauma, and Illness record will be filled out and parents/caregivers are to sign upon collection of their children. This report will then be filled in the students personal file, which is kept in the OSHC office.


Students who are suffering from a contagious disease will not be able to attend the program.

If a student becomes unwell, they will be comforted and cared for by OSHC educators until the parents/caregivers are able to collect their child.

Proper hygiene standards are observed for all children that attend the service.